Make This One Change For a More Organized Year
There are so many things we can recommend to help you have a more organized year. You could get a planner. You could make your bed every day. You could do the dishes after dinner every night so that you never wake up to dirty
Winter Organizing
It happens every year - winter comes before we're ready and before we know it, we have boots and gloves and coats and melting snow in our entry ways - and no great winter organizing solutions.
Organize The Play Room Before Santa Comes
Have you organized the play room yet? Every year, you promise to have a lighter, more meaningful Christmas. The grandparents, aunts, and uncles come along. They add piles of new toys to the growing number of gifts under the tree.
Declutter and Organize Digital Files Before Tax Time
As if there weren't enough things to consider, tax time is around the corner. The more you can do to declutter and organize your digital files now, the better off you'll be when it comes time to file.
5 Stress-Free Thanksgiving Meal Hacks
There's something about Thanksgiving that starts the whole season off for most people. Whether you're hosting family or just connecting on Zoom, if you're preparing a meal for 2 or 10, these Thanksgiving meal hacks can help you have a stress-free day.
Holiday Organizing – Our Most Popular Tips
As the holidays rush closer, that familiar sense of panic may set in, but here at Organizing Maniacs, we've got you covered. We've been sharing our ideas to make holiday organizing easier for years.
Stress-Free Holiday
The holidays are just around the corner, and it's easy to start feeling anxiety, especially if you're in a position of having to tell grandma and grandpa to stay home to keep them safe. So this year, we hope you'll take some time to focus.
Getting Organized Doesn’t Mean the House is Always Clean
Getting organized doesn't mean time freezes. It doesn't mean that because everything has its place you won't still have clutter. The dust comes back. The floors will still need swept. The carpet will still need vacuumed. The dishes will still get dirty. And the laundry - oh my goodness there's
Invest In the Shed
Part of being organized is having the places to store the stuff you do need - like a shed. Yes, minimizing clutter can help, but living in a home and being a homeowner requires you to own certain tools and equipment.
Creating Space
Creating space in your home is almost a must these days. Most students across the country, both K-12 and college, are studying at least part time from home. Many parents are still working from home.