Holiday Organizing – Our Most Popular Tips

As the holidays rush closer, that familiar sense of panic may set in, but here at Organizing Maniacs, we’ve got you covered. We’ve been sharing our ideas to make holiday organizing easier for years. This year, we’re rounding up our most popular tips to help you.


We’re less than 90 days from Christmas, and if that doesn’t motivate you to start holiday prep, we’re not sure what will. Whether you’re having company, traveling, or just need to make room for the Christmas tree, now is the time to start tackling small organization projects that will have you ready in time to celebrate without too much stress.


Being overwhelmed is one of the most common complaints we hear from clients this time of year. Managing overwhelm during the holidays can be difficult. As much as we love the holidays, they come with their own frustrations. With all the chaos that can ensue, it is so important to manage the aspects of our lives that can easily overwhelm us. With a few simple steps, you can effectively manage overwhelm throughout the holidays and all year long.


Thanksgiving is one of the most cherished holidays, so why does it tend to come with the most stress? When you’re hosting a Thanksgiving meal, there are a lot of pre-established expectations. Staples like turkey, mashed potatoes, and pie are only a few of the items expected to be on the table, not to mention any additional family favorites. Read more about our Thanksgiving hacks.


It’s easy to end up with a collection of décor that requires its own room during the off-season. With the holidays approaching, there are a lot of moving pieces coming in and out of your home. Stay ahead of the curve this year with some of these holiday storage and organization tips. 


Everywhere you look there are flashing red signs proclaiming the best sale of the season, and who can resist a great deal? As you finish up your Christmas shopping, you’ll come across items that aren’t on your list, but at that price, they could be! The best holiday organization tip is to not make the purchase at all.


Every store is showcasing beautiful gift wrap for the holiday season, and who can resist? You’ll be buying and wrapping presents, so you don’t give it a second thought before purchasing a multi-pack of gorgeous wrapping paper. That is, until you get home and realize you still have five rolls of wrapping paper from last season. It’s hard to recall what you might have purchased a year ago, so before you get too excited, it’s time to organize what you already have. Organizing gift wrap is one way to keep your holidays fun instead of stressful.


Holiday season organizing can be different than everyday organizing. You’re not just finding homes for things, ridding yourself of clutter, and reducing chaos. During the holidays, you’re also dragging out boxes of holiday decor, preparing more elaborate meals, and hosting guests. Our holiday season organizing guide is designed to help you do more now so you can enjoy the food, company, and fun later.

This year the holidays are probably going to feel a little different. It’s ok to break with tradition and do something new to make it easier, and it’s ok if you want to stick with all of your traditions to make it feel as normal as possible. And if you need help with organizing, we are here to help!


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