Summer Organizing Projects - Part One

Summertime is all about fun in the sun, family vacations, and a break from the school year schedule. But it’s also a great time to tackle some of those organizing projects you’ve been putting off. We get it – life gets busy and it’s hard to fit it all in. But these summer organizing projects are perfect for when you have extra hands on deck in the form of kids who need a break from screen time. The next time they tell you they are bored you’ll have great ideas to keep them busy! Whether it's decluttering your pantry, creating a functional home office, or organizing your garage, this guide has all the tips and tricks you need to make the most of your summer and create a more organized and efficient space. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a more organized and stress-free summer!

Declutter that Closet!

One of the most satisfying organizing projects you can tackle this summer is decluttering and organizing your closet. You might enjoy the finished result so much that you’ll want to organize the kids’ closets, the linen closet, and any other closet that has become a catch-all in your home. If you’ve taken any of our courses or participated in any of our online projects, you’ll know that the first step is taking everything out of the closet so that you can visualize the space you have. As you’re removing items from the closet, sort them into piles. The basic piles are keep, donate, and throw away, but you might also have a pile of “how did this get here?” for items you want to keep but shouldn’t ne in your closet.

Once you’ve narrowed it down to what you have left, you can determine what kind of containers you need to help organize the space. For some of us, it’s shoes, for others, it’s scarves (for Cris, it’s both). Bins, baskets, clear shoe boxes, and hangers can help keep everything organized and easily accessible. Consider organizing your clothes by category (like season) and color to make ready in the morning easier. Closets get disorganized so quickly, but they also tend to cause the most stress. So even if you have already organized your closet, here are some things to consider to help you keep it organized year-round: Swap out seasonal clothing. Rather than trying to cram all of your clothing into one space, swap out your clothing by season. You can put bulky sweaters, winter coats, and winter boots in bins so that you can see and find all of your gorgeous summer dresses.

Organize Your Pantry and Create a Meal Plan

Who wants to spend a lot of time thinking about what to cook in the heat of the summer? Organizing your pantry and creating a meal place is the perfect summer organizing project. Start by – you guessed it – removing everything from your pantry and sort through it to get rid of anything that has expired or you know you won’t use. As you go, make note of what you’re out of that you like to keep in stock and add those things to your grocery list. While everything is out of the pantry, it’s a great time to wipe down shelves and line them with fresh liners. Once you see what you have, use it as an inspiration to create a meal plan. Start with items that might be getting close to expiring or that you forgot you had but were excited about. Remember to consider any dietary restrictions or alternatives for picky eaters and make your grocery list as you plan.

The Garage Is the Perfect Summer Organizing Project

It’s easy to let the garage get a little out of control during the summer, with sports equipment, yard tools, and everything else taking up space. But winter will be here before you know it and you’re really going to want to be able to park your car in there. So make your garage one of your summer organizing projects. Start by decluttering: What do you have in your garage that doesn’t belong there or is no longer something you use? Give stuff away, throw away items that are no longer functional, and take old paints and chemicals to your local recycling location. As you start organizing, remember that you can get a lot more usefulness out of your garage if you use the space wisely, all the way up to the ceiling. Invest in shelving units, storage bins, and hooks to maximize your space and keep everything in its place. Label storage containers so you can easily find what you need when you need it.

Summer Organizing Project You Can Do in the AC

When it comes to summer organizing, a day in the garage may be all you can handle in the heat. Luckily, we have more ideas for indoor projects that can be done with the AC on blast. Consider taking time this summer to organize your home office and digital files. These are areas that get out of control quickly and need to be organized on a regular basis. If you don’t already have a dedicated office space but find yourself still working from home, it might be a good time to dedicate some interruption free space in your home to a home office. You’ll need good lighting, access to plenty of outlets, and space for a desk. If you have a workspace already, or once you get one set up, another great summer organizing project is organizing your digital files. The best way to start is to delete what you don’t need, whether it’s duplicate files or files you no longer need to store. Then, create folders and organize the files into folders. Be sure to have a backup (in the cloud, preferably, where you can access it anywhere and anytime) of important files like insurance and medical, life and house insurance, and digital copies of birth certificates and passports. It’s also a great time to organize your desktop and remove any icons you don’t need so you can find the ones you do.

Summer organizing projects can help you make the most of your time when you’re not soaking up the sun or taking that family road trip. If you need help, we’re only a phone call away!



Summer Organizing Projects - Part Two


Container Tricks for Organizing