Container Tricks for Organizing

When it comes to organizing, decluttering can be the best place to start, but unless you’re living some form of austere minimalist lifestyle, you’ll still have stuff you want to keep – and keeping your stuff organized can be a challenge. These container tricks can help.

Container Tricks for Organizing the Bathroom

Small or large, the bathroom can become a cluttered mess in a hurry, especially if many people are using it. But there are so many creative container tricks you can use to keep everything contained in its place. From small plastic containers to hold things like Q-tips to baskets that hang on the wall to hold your blow dryer and curling irons, it’s easy to free counter space and make your bathroom look more organized. Here are a couple of our favorite bathroom containers:

Slim rolling carts like these ones from The Container Store are perfect for fitting into wasted space like between the toilet and the bathtub or the sink and the wall. Make sure to get one on wheels that you can pull out to access whatever you store there.

Clear storage containers are a great way to organize the bathroom cupboards, but they don’t have to be fancy. Pick up a package of disposable food storage containers to use with or without the lids and use a Sharpie to label the front of them with what’s inside.

Container Tricks for Organizing the Kitchen

Organizing your kitchen is a daily effort, because all it takes is leaving the dishes for a day or two to completely destroy any semblance of organization that you might have. That’s why we suggest doing dishes directly after the meal as one of the quick ways to keep your home decluttered. Containers can help, too. Some of our favorites include:

Clear iDesign bins from The Container Store can make it so much easier to find what you need in your pantry. This particular brand or product isn’t required; be creative and use storage bins and baskets that you already have lying around your house to store like items on pantry shelves or in cupboards – and even in the fridge – to make everything less cluttered. As you’re organizing your pantry, cupboard, or fridge space, quickly glance at expiration dates and toss anything that’s past it’s best by date.

Kitchen drawer organizers can help contain all kinds of things, from silverware and serving spoons to your junk drawer full of necessities. You can find single containers with multiple slots in them or mix and match your own individual containers to fit the drawer.

Container Tricks for Organizing the Living Room

Keeping things organized in your living room is as much about getting your family in the habit of putting away their own stuff as anything else. But you can make it easier to keep the clutter to a minimum. Small things like minimizing how much décor you have on your walls and shelves can help keep the room from being cluttered, but when it comes to container tricks, here are our favorites:

Storage ottomans can keep things like throw blankets and magazines out of sight while also offering additional seating when you have guests over.

Containing the remote controls is a great way to keep clutter at bay and leave your living room looking or organized. There are several options, from a tabletop organizer to one that hangs over the arm of the chair or sofa.

Mounted shelving can help free up floor space while allowing you more places to put things, either for décor or for storage.

Container Tricks for Organizing Your Closet

When you get your closet more organized, it can change the feeling of your whole day. It’s easier to find clothes and accessories, it’s less stressful to spend time in your room, and you aren’t constantly moving laundry from the bed to the chair and back again. But getting there requires some serious container love.

Shoe containers, especially clear ones, can let you embrace your inner shoe hoarder without overwhelming your closet. Store shoes in clear shoe containers and you’ll be able to see which ones you need each day. They stack well, allowing you to maximize closet space.

Space saving clothes hangers can also make a huge difference by letting you place multiple items on a vertical hanger. If you’re logical about how you do this by organizing by type of clothing it can help immensely.

Over the door shoe organizers are for more than just shoes. Consider using one to store jewelry, belts, scarves, and other accessories.

Containers are the magic behind organizing effectively, and hopefully these container tricks will help!

Happy Organizing!


Summer Organizing Projects - Part One


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