Holiday Storage and Organization

With the holidays approaching, there are a lot of moving pieces coming in and out of your home. Stay ahead of the curve this year with some of these holiday storage and organization tips.


If you’re planning to do a lot of cooking, consider beginning with a plan to keep your kitchen clean and organized. Make sure you have enough containers for the food – and the leftovers. Have enough space in your fridge and freezer to house them, too, is a great first step! Purchase removable white labels to help identify leftovers six months from now when you no longer remember what’s in the container. If you are having guests who are taking food with them, consider using the labels to identify whose leftovers are whose. Special storage for cakes, cupcakes, meat, and vegetables can be worth the investment. For an environmentally friendly option, consider giving guests paper containers.


We all love receiving holiday cards from family and friends, however, the thought of displaying them all on the fridge along with the calendar, report cards, and other items can get overwhelming. Consider investing in a small bulletin board or whiteboard that can be used to display holiday cards. After the holidays, you can recycle the cards. You could also store them in a labeled photo box to revisit some of your favorites throughout the year. This display board can then be repurposed to clear up some fridge space or stored until the next holiday season.


Decorations present the most difficult holiday storage and organization challenge. Decorating the house (or office) for holidays can help boost your mood. If you haven’t already, consider specific labeling for holiday decorations. Don’t throw all of your holiday decor into one large bin. Consider dividing and storing decor based on the area of the house that it goes in, and labeling accordingly. Investing in reusable ties for garland, lights, and other strings of decor can save you a detangling headache later. Storing a holiday tree? Consider a tree storage bin – that way you know what it is and what fits.

No matter what your holidays look like, prepare ahead of time. Have a plan, a storage system, and labels to help take the hard work out of organizing the before and after!


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