Can a Dream Board Help You Get Organized?

A dream board is a motivational tool used to help people achieve things they want. It’s often something entrepreneurs and business owners can use to help them maintain focus. But can a dream board help you get organized?


Dream boards let you visualize the future you want for yourself. Creating a dream board to help you visualize a more organized home and life, and keeping it somewhere you can see all the time, may help you stay motivated to take baby steps toward organizing your home. Don’t just put pictures on your board of clean rooms and organized drawers. Look for pictures that reflect how you’ll feel if your home is organized – relaxed and stress-free.


You don’t have to be seeking perfection. Your dream board can motivate you simply to get on the right path. For you, that might mean putting the laundry away instead of letting it pile up on the sofa. Or it might mean going through your mail the minute it arrives to get rid of all the junk. It might even just mean making the bed in the morning. Whatever it is that makes you feel more organized, more in control, and less stressed should make its way to your dream board.


As you envision a more organized future, use your dream board to help you get organized. Make a checklist of things you want to accomplish. Then, as you complete them, check them off so that you can see the forward steps you’re taking. It doesn’t matter if all you were able to check off in a month was cleaning out the junk drawer. It’s all progress.


As you begin to visualize what an organized life would feel like, you may start to realize that with less stress you become more productive. You may be able to start dreaming big about letting go of some of your clutter. Or spending less time working on your house…  having more time to do things that make you feel good – from a spa day to a weekend getaway.

Organization may not be the key to a happy life, but being organized can reduce your stress levels enough to make your life more enjoyable. Therefore, a dream board can help you begin to organize.

Check out these inspirational ideas for dream boards on Pinterest!


Holiday Storage and Organization


Starting Small: Organizing in Baby Steps