Don’t Let Clutter Spoil Your Summer Fun

Summer break has started around the country for most kids, and we all know that means a lot more clutter. But you don’t have to let clutter spoil your summer fun. Try these great ideas to keep your home, yard, and garage organized – and if you need help, Organizing Maniacs is always happy to lend a hand!

Create Summer Routines to Keep Clutter at a Minimum

When the kids are home for summer break, getting away from the demands and routines of school can be important, but that doesn’t mean it should be a free-for-all. In fact, to help keep your kids on an even keel during the summer, a little routine can be very helpful Consider these ideas:

·         Keep certain routines from the school year, like making their beds in the morning.

·         Before bed each night, have your kids pick up their rooms so they wake up ready for a new day.

·         Enforce a rule that whatever is currently being used must be put away before the next thing is gotten out.

Refocus Your Garage and Shed Storage

If you haven’t already, it’s a great time to rearrange your garage and shed storage. Put away snow shovels and winter sports equipment and pull out the summer camping gear, spring and summer sports equipment, and any other summer fun gear you have tucked away on the highest shelves. When the heat kicks in and the kids are begging for something fun and cool to do, you’ll have everything ready.

Make Sure Your Yard Is Safe for Play

Before turning the kids loose in the back yard for those long lazy days of summer, do a quick safety check.

  • Make sure there are no hornet’s nests or other infestations that need to be removed.

  • Double check for thorny weeds, broken glass, and other hazards that may have found their way in your yard or over your fence.

  • Double-check equipment like swing sets and trampolines to make sure they are still in good working order and won’t put your kids and their friends at risk.

  • Clean off patio furniture and be sure to check under the chairs, table, and grill for hidden hives and spider nests that need to be dealt with.

Bring Summer Energy into Your Home

One of the best ways to prevent clutter from spoiling your summer fun is to make sure the inside of your home reflects the light, bright openness that you want summer to feel like. From changing out throw pillows to brightly colored floral patterns to packing away some of your winter throw blankets to packing up décor to free the shelves from their heavy loads, it can be quick and simple to change the feel. Other ways you can change up your home for the summer and declutter at the same time:

  • Swap out heavy or dark drapes with something light and fun.

  • Add plants like ferns and other elements of nature to your décor.

  • Swap out bedding and sheets for lighter, brighter fabrics.

  • Bring fresh flowers into your home.

Summer Decluttering Projects

There will be rainy days and days that are just too warm to bother going away from the air conditioning that are perfect for a few summer decluttering projects. Here are some that will have the most impact on the rest of your year:

Sort the Kids Clothing NOW

Back to school time will be here before you know it, but if you sort through the kids’ school clothes now and make note of what they’ll need, you can pick up items on sale over the summer or hit the outlets while you’re vacationing. Be sure to donate any clothing that is still in good shape and find a local recycler for the other clothing rather than send them to the landfill.

Sort Toys and Equipment

Have the kids outgrown some of the summer toys and sports equipment you’ve been storing. Make room for new interests and summer fun by donating the items they no longer use. You might even want to consider having a yard sale with some friends and neighbors if you have enough stuff to get rid of.

Let It Go

Summer is fleeting, and so is your time with your kids, so our best advice to keep clutter from spoiling your summer fun is to just let it go, don’t worry about it, and have fun. If the house is a little messy but your kids are smiling and you have joy in your heart, it’s all worth it.


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