How to Make Resolutions Stick

Do you begin each year with lofty goals but then find it more difficult to make resolutions stick?

Whether you’re focusing on a new year, a new you or simply the same you with a few new goals, you can make resolutions stick. For most of us, we’re already wondering as we get a couple weeks into the new year how we’re going to make it happen.

Don’t give up!

Now is the time to get what you want out of life.  Whether this is the year you will finally complete that home organization project you haven’t had time for or turn those boxes of paperwork into a workable filing system, or even just work on your time-management so you can get the most out of both work and home life, you can do it.  No matter what goals you’ve set for yourself, there are three things you can do to boost your success.

  1. Tell someone. It has been proven that people who tell others about their goals are more likely to succeed at them than those who keep their goals to themselves. Be mindful of who you tell, however. Make sure that you choose people you trust and who are supportive and encouraging of your goals. Having an accountability buddy could be just the boost you need to accomplish your goal for 2016!

  2. Set time aside to work on your goals. We recommend time blocking if you haven’t tried it before. Set aside time each day to accomplish your goals and really focus on doing things that bring you closer to those goals. Try to not get distracted putting out fires or doing tasks that could wait until later.

  3. Set smarter goals. Having vague goals can make them more difficult to achieve. Breaking up your goal into smaller, more achievable steps that you are constantly accomplishing can help keep you motivated. That success will inspire you and propel you onto the next portion of your goals.

Before you know it, you’ll be succeeding on a daily basis!

Happy Organizing!


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