Clutter-Free Fun With Kids

Clutter-free fun with kids might seem impossible. Wherever you go, your kids might ask for something to bring home – a new toy, a stuffed animal – something. But it’s never too early to teach your kids that experiences matter far more than things. And while it’s difficult to believe that summer vacation is already in its late stages, there’s still plenty of time to enjoy creating new experiences and memories with your kids. Ten years from now, they’ll remember the time you spent together, but they won’t remember that they didn’t get the trinket they wanted.

If you have a desire to spend more time with your family in these lazy days of summer, we have ideas to help you make the most of the remaining time. And if you want to make the most of the time you have with your kids but don’t want to spend a lot of money or end up with a lot of clutter, consider these clutter-free fun experiences you can have.


Most libraries across the country reopened this summer, and they offer a variety of activities for kids of all ages. From checking out new books to read every week to participating in the educational programs that they offer, libraries are a source of clutter-free fun all year long. Most libraries have more than just books available to borrow – they have computers with internet access, movies you can check out, and games.


We often get so comfortable in our own communities that we take them for granted and forget that there are fun things to do and see close to home. Whether you live in a big metropolitan area or a small town, there are museums and historical sites, activities and tours, and places to reconnect with nature that all offer clutter-free fun for you and your family. You can stay completely local, or venture less than an hour in any direction for a fun day trip.


Pop some popcorn, grab some candies, and load up your favorite streaming service for a home movie afternoon. Whether your kids are younger, you can watch a Disney favorite or they’re older and you opt for the RL Stine Fear Street movies on Netflix, this is a clutter-free fun way to spend an afternoon with the kids when it’s too hot or too rainy to be outside.


Pack sandwiches and drinks in the cooler, grab a frisbee, and take your sunblock and head to a local park for a picnic and an afternoon of family fun. Getting outside and spending time in nature can reduce stress. Having fun with your family can strengthen your bonds. Getting out of the house and away from screens can be good for you and your kids – even if you take a little vacation time from work to do it.


Spending a day at the zoo can be such a blast. Depending on where you live and how much you travel, annual zoo passes can be a great investment, because once you buy the pass at one zoo, you get discounted or free entrance into all of the other participating zoos. And if you really want to make the most of your experience, take this insider tip: go to the zoo on a Monday and get their when they open. You will most likely have fewer crowds and it will still be cool enough out for the animals to be out and visible. Instead of buying anything from the gift shop to commemorate the trip, spend a few extra dollars on food to feed the giraffes or for elephant or camel rides. Those are clutter-free experiences your kids are likely to never forget.


After more than a year of not being able to comfortably spend time with each other, you may finally feel safe spending time with grandparents or aunts and uncles. Even if you simply host a back yard barbecue and have everyone bring a dish, gathering with family can be a wonderful experience for everyone, including kids who get to reunite with cousins and grandparents.


Whether you’re going out or staying in, don’t make it an excuse to buy anything. You don’t need to buy a movie if you have access to a streaming service; you don’t need to buy mementos when you go to a museum. Simply embrace the experience and enjoy the time with your kids before school starts again.


These ideas are just to fuel your inspiration. There are so many wonderful ways to share experiences with your children without it becoming a costly, clutter-filled experience. Here are some other ideas to consider:

  • Teach the kids how to cook – practice making pancakes or bake a cake or cookies together

  • Spend a day sorting through digital photos and select your favorites to load onto a digital frame

  • Start now and work on hand-made Christmas gifts for family and friends and let the kids be involved in the process

  • Volunteer at a local charity

  • Create care packages for the homeless or for a women’s shelter that include the items they need most

  • Set up a hose and sprinkler for a fun afternoon cooling off, or go to a public pool and go swimming

  • If you’re near one, head to the beach for a day

As you can see, the options for clutter-free fun are limitless. What kinds of summer fun do you enjoy with your kids?


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