Back to School Organizing Tips for Busy Parents

Whether you have one child in school or five, back to school organizing can be a real challenge. This year, most students are back in the classroom fulltime, but some students are still opting to have some courses online. Now that the technology is in place, it’s likely that hybrid education is here to stay. What does that mean for busy parents? It means not only having to prepare back to school organizing for your kids when they’re headed out the door, but also having your home organized with an online study area.

Getting the Kids Out the Door in the Morning

We’ve talked extensively about how back to school organizing can help you get your kids out the door with less stress. Packing lunches the night before, laying out clothes, and even getting up 15 minutes earlier than normal can make a huge difference in how the day gets started. One other tip that we think can be really effective is making sure there are routines in place for after school. For example, when the kids first come home, the priority should be getting all the homework done and making sure you see any important papers.

Quiet Space to Study

Whether your kids are taking online classes and home during the day or just need a quiet study space for homework, having the right setup can make all the difference. There are certain things you’ll need for success, including high-speed, secure Wi-Fi. If you don’t have Wi-Fi, some schools do offer hot spots and some companies, like AT & T, offer free or reduced price Wi-Fi for low-income students. You may not have a room you can dedicate specifically to student studying, but a corner of the living room, the child’s bedroom, or another room in the house can often work as well, especially if you have a way to control distractions.

Back to School Storage

In your entry way, it can be a good idea to have a staging area for shoes, backpacks, and other items that have to go to school. This might even include instruments if your student is in band or uniforms if they’re in sports. If you don’t have an entry way that can accommodate backpacks and other items your kids need for school, you can create the same area in their bedroom. Install a hook or add a basket by the door for the backpack. Consider a white board that can hang on the wall where they can write notes to remind them of import events, due dates, and other things that can help keep them on track.

Accommodate Your Kids

One of the things we learn as professional organizers is to work with our clients by leaning into their challenges instead of fighting against them. Busy parents can do the same. If your child comes home from school overstimulated and unable to concentrate on homework right away, set up after school time as snack and decompress time first. They’ll be able to concentrate more effectively. If your student has trouble remembering things, teach them to use a checklist or a student planner or an app – whatever tool works best for them – to help them remember homework and other items.


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